Cnr Alice and Edward Sts Mittagong | Sundays at 10.30am
One of the main attractions of the Southern Highlands is that it is cooler, generally greener with nice gardens and surrounded by unspoiled forests.
Regrowth is more likely to occur in vegetation with greater likelihood of rainfall and quite fertile soil generally.
But what about spiritual regrowth? In what situations will it prosper?
It is not about having a good climate or environment but about inward transformation from the heart. It is about trust and obedience, in the atmosphere of a God- fearing, God-loving community.
In Acts 5 the community of the newly emerging church discovered an obedience to the risen Christ which brought them into conflict with the society. They were asked to go quiet about Christ and His resurrection.
They were called on to go easy on this healing of sick people and preaching the Gospel.
To this they replied to religious authorities: “We must obey God, rather than human beings”. Our God has acted decisively in this great event of Jesus Christ being raised from the dead, whom you killed by hanging him on a cross.
They could not stop speaking about these things for they were witnesses of them as was the Holy Spirit Himself, who was among them.
For us now spiritual regrowth calls upon as to live lives marked out for Jesus. He calls us on saying;
“Trust and obey for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.”