Cnr Alice and Edward Sts Mittagong | Sundays at 10.30am
Prayer protection
2 Kings 6.8-25 Acts 12.1-24
Local Prayer Protection
Last week I had a note in the bulletin about prayer.
It was somewhat unclear.
To further explain, session has been looking at the most effective way of managing our weekly prayers of thanksgiving and intercession in the church family worship on Sunday mornings. We desire to maintain the maximum prayer protection for the church family.
As a result we have agreed to set up a roster system of prayer leaders, involving people , approved by session, to lead the time of family prayer each week. The individual who is rostered each week is responsible for seeking out the prayer points to go in the prayer book as a matter for congregational prayer. This individual will then lead the family prayer during the service.
If you would like to be involved in this in the future talk to Doug or John Wheeler.
One other very significant ongoing activity of this congregation has been the Prayer Meeting fortnightly, (2nd) and (4th) Saturday each month, from 8.30-9.30am in our church. This focuses on broad mission of the local church’s. Following this time slot at around 9.30am we are wanting to develop a further time for our local Presbyterian church and its mission and people. You are greatly encouraged to join in this time.
As we will see in todays message, based on Acts 12, the church needs prayer. A severe crisis was faced (Acts 12.1-4) Out of this crisis urgent and earnest prayer to God went up, by the local church. The crisis was averted, and events were turned around. It was as the direct result of congregational prayer that the word of God continued to spread and flourish (Acts 12.12,24)
This only goes to reinforce the significance of the prayer base for the protection of the church from evil and the renewal of its life giving message to a lost community.